
  • 22.03.2024
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Updated all links
    * Fixed: On the Useful site, TOR links were not resolved, this issue has been resolved

  • 05.02.2024
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed some loading issues, due to too big images
    * Optimized some background checks

  • 07.07.2023
    LinkBase published version 4.5.6

    * Fixed fatal error in autoCheck function
    * Fixed reporting system
    * Updated php version
    * Fixed some php "warnings"

  • 04.07.2023
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed minor bugs in reporting system / detail page

  • 03.07.2023
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    Fixed several php related issues

  • 03.04.2023
    LinkBase published 4.5.5

    * Fixed reporting system showing wrong pre-filled data

  • 19.12.2022
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed non-showing screenshots on detail page

  • 13.12.2022
    LinkBase published 4.5.4

    * Fixed several php related issues

  • 01.11.2022
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * New main domain ""
    * Alternative urls "" / "" / ""
    * Find a list of all valid domains here:

  • 15.06.2022
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed search
    * Disabled "domain created on"
    * Disabled getting screenshots of newly added sites

  • 13.04.2022
    LinkBase published version 4.5.3

    * Fixed Tor/I2P/Blockchain sites not resolving correctly
    * Removed footer
    * Fixed some images not loading correctly
    * Database structure optimized

  • 20.01.2022
    LinkBase published version 4.5.2

    * database structure updated
    * save site screenshots to database instead saving them to the harddisk
    * limit shown "changed sites" in the navbar to "10"
    * optimizing autocheck function

  • 17.01.2022
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * fixed not showing language flags @ offline sites

  • 12.01.2022
    LinkBase published version 4.5.1

    * added new sub-categories in the warez-section
    * fixed languages
    * manually checked listed sites
    * sidebar advertisement order_by changed

  • 21.09.2021
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Refactoring
    * Added new internal functions
    * Updated database

  • 27.08.2021
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added captcha

  • 13.08.2021
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * keyword blacklisting implemented

  • 24.07.2021
    LinkBase published version 4.5

    * Fulltext search now available

  • 21.07.2021
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed blocking by adblockers

  • 16.02.2021
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed languages
    * Fixed misleading "fraud" tag
    * several code changes

  • 08.10.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    Bugfix: game-hacking site / non working urls fixed

  • 18.09.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Every site containing weapon (firearms, ..) selling will be banned from now on
    [if you report a site, please provide screenshots or links to the threads]

  • 08.09.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Updated server
    * Re-added detail page

  • 07.08.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * As we were blocked on some parts may not be visible on our site.
    Currently fixing this!


  • 24.07.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Detail page will now redirect to Redirect
    * Restructured the database
    * Promoted section in the sidebar will only be shown on the "index" page

  • 24.07.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Moved "promoted"-section into the sidebar
    * Fixed sidebar non-clickable links

    ** Detail Page is under construction, cause of unexpected fatal errors

  • 24.07.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Included Game-Hacking to the search function
    * Updated to latest maria database server
    * Fixed dataTables
    * Disabled "empty" searches

  • 21.07.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Updated "locked-page"

  • 21.07.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Using newest font-awesome now
    * Updated detail :
    ** now we dont show missing informations anymore
    *** TOR URL : N/A
    *** Blockchain URL : N/A
    * Optimized our database and removed unnecessary columns

  • 20.07.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed sweetalerts

  • 20.07.2020
    LinkBase published version 4.4.8

    * Fix search @keyup.enter event
    * Added customization for pageHeader
    * Updated bootstrap and font-awesome
    * Updated PHP

  • 16.07.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * removed dublicated code and reorganized the imports
    * fixed unloaded javascript in several files
    * preparing for next version release

  • 14.07.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added new section "Game-Hacking boards"


  • 24.06.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed VPN section
    * Updated PHP 7.4.x

  • 23.06.2020
    LinkBase published version 4.4.7

    Added language information for every site in all categories in:

    • Shops
    • Useful
    • VPN
    • Hosting
    • Warez

  • 12.05.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * revalidated marked as dead (archived) links

  • 24.04.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added new discord server 


  • 23.04.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Changed database structure
    * Created additional database tables to not manually edit html code
    * Removed ads from "nofraud" site, except nonfraud ads

    * Advertisting plan update:
    ** The "Promoted" Section on the /index is not anymore included anymore automatically within the banner-plan, as it was voluntary/given for free by us

  • 20.04.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Updated to latest PHP 7.4.5 version
    * Removed seen reported links from the sidebar counter queue
    * Removed seen added links from the sidebar counter queue -> archived internally and validated later

  • 18.04.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Updated our API
    ** blockchain-url, telegram, discord, information, screenshot added

    Go to example API

  • 26.03.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Manual check on Tor/I2P/Blockchain urls done, as the auto_check function cannot resolve those

  • 26.03.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed not showing offline sites on /torI2P
    * Changed auto_check to check only online webpages, which has not been updated recently.

    * on newly added items there is an error500 on first page request on the detail page
    * add more ajax/vue components


  • 25.03.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Auto check feature now fully implemented.
    * We can now interact within a short time and update those links.

  • 23.03.2020
    LinkBase published version 4.4.6

    * Updated "Add new link" website
    * Updated PHP
    * First auto-link check started and removed dead links
    * Added blacklist feature

  • 25.02.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Inactive sites are now not shown anymore via the frontend, nor the search
    * Updated sorting on search page

  • 24.02.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Banner section updated:
    ** Wrong html link alt attribute shown
    ** Removed margin-top
    * Removed the "Scam/Fake" section from the main navigation, and moved it into Information->Misc->Scam/Fake to prevent overloading the frontend


  • 23.02.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Vue.js search function fixed
    * Updated PHP version

  • 25.01.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed: VPN section contains an error, where you got redirected to warez-sites.
    * Updated to latest PHP 7.4.2 version

  • 17.01.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Several bug fixes
    * If a screenshot cannot be generated, a placeholder image is now beeing set instead.


    * Preparing an automated process to validate requested websites due our system every x days/weeks
    ** With the automatic check, we want to find a solution to "report" sites (clearweb) internally as "offline".
    ** Which means that the report function will be disabled for all clearweb sites, but stays still available for tor/i2p/blockchain urls
    * Preparing database structure and logic for next version update
    * Validating several options how to efficiently check the online status of a website, for example with a ddos protection, ....
    * Added more error/debugging features
    * We will merging several tables for the next big release, which will result in an easier maintenance for us to implement new feature

  • 15.01.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed a bug, which caused an 500 Error on newly added sites in detail view

  • 08.01.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added function to limit access to the screenshot/domain API

  • 06.01.2020
    LinkBase published version 4.4.5

    * Updated page /scam to show all categories, instead only boards
    * Changed /redirect for sites marked as scam
    * Updated server
    * Updated HTTP Zone's (Caching)
    * Updated Layer 7 protection

  • 06.01.2020
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed "added" database table to allow special chars like russian language

  • 18.12.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Updated getDomainCreatedOnDate() function, to fix constantly queries to get domain creation date (if domain's tld is not supported yet)

  • 18.12.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Updated PHP 7.4.x

  • 11.12.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Removed "site_info" field from detail page, any additional information will be added to the information field
    * Updated view of redirection site

  • 11.12.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Removed social area, if no social accounts added to site
    * Added new Useful category: Image Hoster
    * Updated translations

  • 10.12.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Updated latest edited item for each site-category in the navbar (next to language select), instead only show boards

  • 10.12.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added [Tor], [I2P], [Blockchain] tags on missing sites (Useful, Warez, Blogs)
    * Changed "Blockchain to BC" on frontend view

  • 03.12.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    Fixed redirection loop, where tor url tries to resolve the clear-web url

  • 01.12.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed critical error in /redirect function. Now everything should work as expected

  • 01.12.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.4.4

    Removed redirect iframe site
    * We were actually planning a detection script, which would recognize if a site is iframe-able or not. Unfortunately, we did not get as much feedback as we had hoped.
    Thanks @CelsoBento1 for giving us this note.

    I have been thinking and at least you should remove the frames because all major forum scripts are now blocking any iframe.

    — Celso Bento (@CelsoBento1) November 27, 2019

    We were thinking about displaying the new detail page as the "standard" page instead of the "redirect-page". But we leave it like you know it.
    If you want to go to the detail page, just click the "status" icon in front of every item.

    So. What can we expect from the detail page?
    Mainly its a complete information page of all stored data about this site in our database.

    • Social accounts (Twitter (with follower counter), Facebook, Telegram, Discord)
    • Site description
    • Site informations (but we think we will merge these two fields, as this doesn't make much sense, in our opinion)
    • Preview (automatic screenshot, if available or an manual image)
      - You are able to see last modified date of the image in M Y date format
      - Screenshots are not generated for offline sites / we plan to update those 1-2 times a year
      - Manual screenshots could be uploaded to your preferred file hoster in the size: 1.800px × 800px, just use the "report" page and add the image as option "Missing informations (please particularize)"
    • Domain created_on field, the date when the domain got registered.
    • Tor, I2P and Blockchain url

    Security updates:
    * Added missing X-XSS-Protection
    * Updated cookies [SameSite=Lax]
    * Added Subresource Integrity
    * Server updated / updated latest php packages


    new RSS feeds:

    • Scam Boards [added]
    • Blogs [added]
    • Useful [added]
    • Warez [added]

    you can find all RSS feeds in the navigation-bar under information

    We hope you like this small update. If you have any suggestions just leave us a message.

    LinkBaseORG © 2009

  • 30.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added touch-enabled javascript lightbox library
    * Changed detail page to show more information
    * Added better error-handling

  • 28.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Updated /hosting site to show current site-status
    * Removed unnecessary variables
    * Removed direct links and replaced them with /redirect page
    * Fixed an issue with mulitple generated cookies

  • 28.11.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.4.3 bugfix release

    * Bugfix: Due to expired API Key in the function getDomainCreatedOnDate() the redirect site was broken, we reprogrammed this function now, so everything should work as expected.

  • 27.11.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.4.2

    * Updated "latest updated links" in the navbar to show only latest 24hours changed boards
    * Updated RSS feeds
    * Updated /hosting site, to show online status + detail page for upcoming release

    ** Next version release: 01.12.2019

  • 27.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Updated "old links" where the Tor url was set as clearweb url. Thats why the [Tor] markup was missing on some boards

  • 27.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added a new page /scamBoards , as the name says, just for Boards currently.
    ** Mark a scam/fake site through our report function, to add the site for manual verification process (We need true proofs! You may link to threads on verified boards for example.)
    ** These sites will only shown on this page, but they remain accessible.

  • 27.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Removed time limit for /message
    * Implemented new CKEditor textarea's
    * Detail page:
    ** added
    *** Site description/information
    *** Domain created_on date
    *** Social (Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Facebook)
    *** (Site statistics)

  • 26.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Changed layout of /add page to display more "content" at once
    * Updated CKEditor to latest 4.x release
    * SEO: Added sitemap.xml

  • 26.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added function to get the domains registered date "created_on" for upcoming detail page

  • 26.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Bugfix in Vue app fixed, empty search results in a 404 error
    * Preparing release of the detail page (currently filling database with required data)

  • 26.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added discord as new parameter
    * Updated languages
    * Updated /redirect to be also compatible with Boards, the url-view like will still remain, as default, for the main category

  • 25.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Search is now available via /search/<yourSearchItem>
    * Added "Telegram" as new parameter on all links

    * TODO List:
    ** Autocomplete Live Search

    * Currently in work
    ** Adding a detail page with all related informations, like:

    • tor url
    • i2p url
    • blockchain url
    • category
    • contact @facebook
    • contact @twitter
    • contact @telegram
    • if you need more, please make a suggestion via /suggestions

  • 23.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Updated /hosting dataTable from fixed view to a scrollable
    * Added new language "thai"

  • 22.11.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.4.1

    * Fixed "infinite scroll" on "index" site
    * Updated RewriteRules for /report & /redirect
    * Fixed /redirect site with correct report button texts (if offline == report as online, else report as deadlink)
    * Optimized images
    * Optimized caching
    * Added secure cookie with HttpOnly and Secure flag
    * Fixed sidebar height, which was not always full height

  • 21.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Updated Open Graph Protocol (missing og:url, missing og:type, too small image on og:image)

  • 21.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added new category IPTV [Paid] in section warez
    * Removed Google Maps on /contact page due to user privacy

  • 21.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * "Last updated" in the page_header will now track all changes on site, instead only forums
    * Updated PHP packages on server
    * Enabled Caching on server and reverse proxy to improve page load time
    * Added missing X-Frame-Options
    * Fixed some minor bugs
    * Added antispam detection
    * Removed "disabled right click"
    * Fixed /noFraud site, due to a missing column in the database query
    * Optimized our code via the code-inspection by PhpStorm

  • 19.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added select options to the reported site

  • 19.11.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.4.0

    * Due to the update to PHP 7.4 we needed to fix our ORM
    → PHP Deprecated:  implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated
    → PHP Deprecated:  join(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated
    * Updated set language function to be compatible with the Accept-Language (browsers default language) function and the custom language function via $_GET['lang']
    * Updated the server

  • 15.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added missing language translation strings
    * Browsers preferred language will get default language, else english ( Currently supported: 'ar', 'de', 'en', 'fr', 'id', 'jp', 'ge', 'pt', 'tr', 'zh', 'ru' )
    * Change maintenance view
    * Change file/folder-structure
    * Code cleanup (removing unnecessary javascript imports) + indentation
    * Updated PHP to release 7.4
    * Fix broken /add url page due to missing $SESSION variable while database field cannot be null
    * Changing plain URL of "marked as offline" to "iframe" option to re-report offline links as online
    * Navigation active state fixed
    * TLS 1.3 support enabled
    * Updated mechansism how to handle reported links

  • 09.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Shop site blank page due to "PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function" fixed
    * Added new advertisement plan (one-time)
    * Fixed pricing site view on small displays

  • 08.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed broken /report function
    * Add Tor/I2P/Blockchain support for site /shop

  • 01.11.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Upgraded to newest PHP version

  • 29.10.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Add Blockchain domain support (

  • 22.10.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added new icons (navbar->submenu's)
    * Created 2nd database only for user-management, sealed off from main database
    * Removed old admin-interface

    * Some side information: Since Sep 26, 2019 we have made 72 commits


  • 21.10.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.3.9

  • 21.10.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Modified internal Admin-Dashboard
    * Fixed meta title name
    * Fixed cookieconsent
    * Added more badges (internal)

  • 16.10.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added € to BTC converter on the pricing site
    * Added BTC chart based on cryptocompare

  • 15.10.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added rate limiting function to API

  • 11.10.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.3.8

    * API Updated + added API documentation ->
    * API available under

  • 10.10.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.3.7

    * Update "update" icon in the navbar, to show dynamically "last edited items" instead of fixed amount
    * Replaced search form with vue.js
    * PHP Version upgrade
    * Added Vue.js

  • 06.10.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Showing last edited links (last 7 days) in navbar where status = online

  • 06.10.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Under /contact u will find all verified accounts from us, so you are safe from any scam users

  • 06.10.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed issues where the "<tbody><tr>" were on wrong positions and produced lots of empty entries

  • 06.10.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.3.5

    * Added anti-spam function for "Suggestions, Report and Add" (with no need of captcha)
    * Extended internal debug-system
    * Removed unsecure resources
    * Optimized code
    * Fixed unhandled exceptions

  • 01.10.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added automatic expiration function
    * Fixed maintenance error page and function

  • 29.09.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.3.4

    * Fixed broken RSS feed's

  • 29.09.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Changed table style (margin-bottom) from categories
    * Replaced deprecated html tag's
    * Added missing rel="noopener" and rel="noopener noreferrer" tag for external sources
    * Adding new caching rules for .css / .js files

  • 29.09.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Upgraded PHP version
    * Added error handling for "no database connection" instead a blank page

  • 28.09.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.3.3

  • 28.09.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added RewriteRule's for the whole project
    * Enhanced suggestion contact form
    * Enhanced internal Debug-Mode
    * Optimized code: 

  • 27.09.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added contact form
    * Added function to stop spam on add / report and contact function
    * Adding routes
    * Updating ckeditor
    * * Hide empty categories and categories with links which are on invisible (long time offline)

  • 26.09.2016
    LinkBase published version 4.3.2

  • 23.09.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added redirection site globally with report function
    * Deadlinks removed
    * Working on new automatic "shop-system"

  • 20.09.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.3.1

    * Validation fixed at "Add link" page
    * Working on new internal system to better manage added and reported links

    * Added redirection mode for site shops (currently in testing)
    * Fix "last db update" date

  • 16.09.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Updated FAQ

  • 14.08.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Changed database structure

  • 17.07.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added georgian language support
    * Added functions to get site title and statuscode (currently for reporting option only)
    * Added browserdetect language function


  • 13.07.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Starting working @ backend system for easier database management
    * Status 10%

  • 11.07.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added icons to the navigation bar
    * Checked all links in database manually

  • 09.07.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.3

    * Upgraded to PHP 7.x.x to improve security
    * Updated FAQ
    * Remove unnecessary javascript, css, .. to improve site loading time
    * Minifying javascript and css files
    * Fixed mixed content
    * Added SweetAlert2 support

  • 08.07.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed an infinitive scroll bug on the main page
    * Fixed tor iframe support
    * Optimized database queries

  • 06.06.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * If you try to threat us .. then pls don't try hard and fail

    * added missing rel="noopener" tags

  • 27.04.2019
    LinkBase published version 4.2 security release

    * Fixed XSS issue, found by SecurityFlaw on within the language switching feature (cookie)
    * Improved server security
    * Changing static strings in php files to database options, to be more flexible

  • 26.04.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added Tor & I2P in the redirection page
    * Found a bug that some Tor sites are not shown, we will investigate this behaviour (fixed)

  • 11.01.2019
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added I2P support

  • 04.11.2018
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed TOR only site

  • 07.10.2018
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added language-flags to warez section

  • 21.06.2018
    LinkBase published version 4.1.5

    * Forced SSL - mainly due to next Google Chrome version 68, which marks non SSL sites as not secure
    * Reduced page load (css sprites and other optimizations)
    * Search completed
    * now each category (warez, blogs, etc) support social media accounts

  • 06.04.2018
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed "Add link" submit form
    * Added turkish language
    * Added youtube modal(hosting)

  • 04.04.2018
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added side-wide search (currently via POST/GET)

  • 03.04.2018
    LinkBase published version 4.1

    * Extended "Add link" submit informations
    * Multiple languages available (currently english 100%, german 60%, russian 60%)
    * Currently cookie based, default language is english.
    * If you like to help us translating our website, you may fork the english translated file

    @ Github and perform a pull request with the translated file in your native language

    Otherwise you may paste the content on a pastebin site and send the link to our twitter account per direct message

  • 01.04.2018
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed javascript redirection after 20 seconds
    * some minor design fixes
    * added coinpayments dontation option

  • 29.03.2018
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added pretty select boxes
    * Removed google recaptcha (add/report)

  • 24.01.2018
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * API added (GET:$id) -> Return: Name, nonFraud status
    * //

  • 15.12.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Tor only page added(under construction)

  • 01.12.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Some small bugfixes
    * Added php load time measuring in the footer

  • 24.11.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added new category "Shops"
    * If you open a link (board) you will get additional informations, if available (Twitter, Facebook and Tor domain):

  • 23.11.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Configured backup server / loadbalancer
    * If the main backend isn't available, you will get this information:

  • 22.11.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Some minor improvements
    * Added $XVG [VergeCurrency] as payment option
    * Custom banner option for each category available

  • 24.10.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed SSL error "unknown domain"

  • 23.10.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Added piwik (192.168.xx.xx ip addresses)
    * Piwik control (Privacy->PIWIK)
    * fixed visual on frontpage
    * reordering subnav

  • 30.09.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * added warez section

  • 29.09.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Fixed mobile redirect site

  • 28.09.2017
    LinkBase published version 4.0

    * Completly selfcoded new version
    * Clear and easy to use design
    * full responsive
    * Search option @ boards and hosting category
    * updated FAQ
    * 2 RSS feeds (added/updated)
    * updated "Add link" section [custom information/category/language]
    * updated "Report link" to prevent multiple reports

  • 27.09.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * 99% completed
    * Added "last update" @ page header
    * added sitemap.xml and robots.txt
    * added custom error pages

  • 25.09.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * 95% completed
    * all images responsive
    * added new "add link" && "report link" form
    * added "statistics" and "activity" in subnav
    * added category select to the add form
    * fix add/report link captcha
    * add blog/vpn/useful as one row table
    * add hosting as searchable dataTable

  • 22.09.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * 60% completed
    * responsive tables (masonry library(in testing status))
    * added misc section (faq, changelog)
    * updated database structure
    * fixed link redirects
    * recently updated links in menu

  • 17.09.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * 30% completed

  • 14.09.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * Wrongly deleted the directory, better using git next time :)
    * Relaunching work again.
    * 10% completed

  • 28.08.2017
    LinkBase published a new version update.

    * 40% completed
    * Working on new version.

  • 28.08.2017

    * Owner change * Working @ new version

  • 23.04.2012
    LinkBase published version 3.3

    * New light template added

  • 29.03.2012
    LinkBase published version 3.1.1

    * New domain:

  • 29.04.2011
    published version 3.1

    * New black template added

  • 29.01.2011
    published version 2.0

    * Changed to linklist script by

  • 01.01.2009
    published version 1.0

    * Project launched

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